CUPE 3903

What is CUPE 3903?

What is CUPE? What does it stand for? What about 3903?

CUPE 3903 is a trade union on campus that represents thousands of workers at York University, including teaching assistants, contract faculty,  graduate assistants, research assistants, and part-time librarians and archivists.

Our local, 3903, is a member of the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), Canada’s largest union with over 740,000 members across the country. It has offices in every province representing a wide range of public sector workers.

What are the units of CUPE 3903?

CUPE 3903 consists of four units, which each have their own collective agreement.

Do we get health benefits?

Yes! Members are entitled to health benefits through Sun Life Insurance. These cover care ranging from vision to dental to psychotherapy to prescriptions to paramedical services. For more benefits information, check out this link. Also, if you exhaust your benefits, you can apply to the Extended Health Benefits Fund for more support!