Funds & Scholarships

Graduate students in the GFWS department are eligible for numerous departmental scholarships, bursaries, and awards. Most of these are restricted to domestic students, and students who live within Ontario. You can find more information about these scholarships here. Check below for a handy table of information on GFWS internal awards, curated by our GPD, GPA, and Sue Sbrizzi!

Graduate students in the GFWS department are also eligible for numerous university wide scholarships, bursaries, and awards. Again, most of these are restricted to domestic students. You can find more information about these scholarships here

Graduate students in the GFWS department are eligible for some inter-university scholarships and awards. These include, but are not limited to, the Ontario Graduate Scholarships, the Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council Scholarships, the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship, and the Trudeau Foundation Scholarship. For all funding and award related information, you can click here

Finally, there are numerous bursaries and awards that can be accessed based on your involvement in certain areas of research as a graduate student. If your research engages with Asia in any capacity, you may be able to find funding through the York Centre for Asian Research (YCAR). All graduate students in GFWS are also able to access funding from York Center for Feminist Research (For opportunities, follow CfR's newsletters here). 

For enquiries about a specific award, scholarship, or bursary, you could write to our GPD, or to the FGS Research Officer (